Painting & Drawing
Drawing is essential. It's how people used to communicate, back in times of the Ancient Puebloans. Their language doesn't have a written form. So what do they do? They draw.
And it's fucking incredible.
Take a page from the Natives and sketch down your thoughts every once in a while. It's not about "being good," it's about "giving a shit."
You can do it, I promise.
Get your ass a pencil and draw.
I'll admit, the best part of digital art is undoing mistake after mistake. Poorly drawn line? UNDO. Shitty blend? UNDO.
I got myself an iPad and — this is an unpaid endorsement — it makes drawing easy and accessible. I pack it on travel. I can draw late at night. Sure, you don't quite get the same feel as analog pen and paper, but it's a hole-in-one.
Undo all the mistakes.
Digital Art
Handmade with love (and a little hate).
I'm a faker. A total faker. I started making books about six years ago when I was asked to do a hard thing. I made it up, then figured it out. If this strikes your fancy, contact me for a custom book.